Physically inactive military present perceptions of signs similar to those of the overtraining syndrome
Overtraining, Overtraining syndrome, Physical stress, Mental stressAbstract
Introduction: Physical inactivity is a risk factor for numerous diseases and, paradoxically, can also be a risk factor for symptoms of overtraining syndrome (OTS). Objective: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the physical activity levels of military personnel and compare these levels with the symptoms of OTS. Methods: The sample consisted of 95 military personnel (29.6 ± 1.1 years; 27.5 ± 3.7 kg/m2) participating in a career course, which were divided into (inactive)IN, (active)AT and (very active) VA. The Overtraining Questionnaire (OTQ) was applied, in addition to an anamnesis and the short version of the IPAQ to characterize and stratify the sample. The comparison between the means of the scores obtained in the questionnaires was performed using ANOVA of one entry with Tukey's post-hoc when necessary. Results: The results revealed that 41% of the military were IN, 40% AT and 19% VA. ANOVA indicated a significant difference in QOT scores between IN (38.62 ± 17.58) and VA (29.06 ± 11.65) (p=0.04). Conclusion: It is concluded that most of the military had adequate levels of physical activity, however, the IN showed more evident symptoms of OTS when compared to the VA. Although this subject is controversial, the literature is already well established that OTS does not only involve issues related to exercise. Other stressors, such as sleep and psychological stress, for example, when associated, can serve as triggers for physical and mental exhaustion, regardless of the level of physical activity.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Daniel Costa Alves da Silva, Francisco Lima D’Urso, André Brand Bezerra Coutinho, Ercole da Cruz Rubini, Silvio Rodrigues Marques Neto, Tiago Costa de Figueiredo, Thiago Teixeira Guimarães
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