Military History Olimpiad Contest:

an educational possibility


  • Cláudio Passos Calaza Academia da Força Aérea - AFA Pirassununga/SP - Brasil
  • Tânia Regina Pires de Godoy Academia da Força Aérea - AFA Pirassununga/SP- Brasil



Military education, Teaching Military History, Educational motivation, Emulation in teaching military history


In the case of an area of common knowledge to the training of cadres of formality in three Brazilian Military Forces, the Military History is imbued a qualification that meets one of the basic criteria in military education, it mean: what is the study of history specialized in the art of war as a substitute for direct experience in conflict and a theoretical allowance in the constitution of the thought of the future military strategist of each Force. Therefore becomes important to reinforce the motivation of more in-depth study of this matter and one of the ways enshrined in the teaching process consists in combining the knowledge to playful in seizure of knowledge. As the environment is stimulated castrense emulation and integration among the services is announced purpose in National Defense Strategy as state policy, this article analyzes under the pedagogical aspects of education and military initiatives of the various school competitions in order to proposition of a knowledge Olympiad in Military History. This was disputed between the aspirants of the Escola Naval and the cadets of the Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras and the cadets of Academia da Força Aérea as an educational strategy, and motivational as a way to establish another moment of contact between learners in a military contest of intellectual base.


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Opinion Articles

How to Cite

Military History Olimpiad Contest:: an educational possibility. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, n. 31, 2012. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2012.25.713. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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