The construction of a corpus of aviation scientific articles:

an interdisciplinary study


  • Fernanda Beatriz Caricari de Morais Divisão de Ensino, Academia da Força Aérea, AFA, Pirassununga, SP, Brasil
  • João Paulo Martins dos Santos Divisão de Ensino, Academia da Força Aérea, AFA, Pirassununga, SP, Brasil.



Corpus, Corpus Linguistics, Systemic-Functional Linguistics


This article presents the experience of building a corpus of scientific articles written in English   in the field of aviation, and the linguistic-computational treatment given by the [...] and the linguistic-computational treatment given by Corpus Linguistics. Data collection was performed using computer programming techniques for data scraping, which allowed the collection of articles from two electronic journals: Air & Space Power Journal and Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education and Research. The corpus is used for linguistic research, based on Systemic-Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 1994 e Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, 2014), that sees language as a potential system of meanings, in which the concept of choice is essential for allowing the study of lexical regularities, and has implications for both language description and language teaching. With the use of Corpus Linguistics computational tools (Berber-Sardinha, 2000, 2004), it is possible to work with a large number of texts, obtaining quantitative data that help in the qualitative analysis of these regularities. As a result, we have a study corpus that can be considered "[...] medium-large (Berber-Sardinha, 2004), with more than three million words. It is expected that the construction of this corpus will encourage new linguistic and statistical research in aviation, especially involving cadets who participate in scientific initiation programs and who draft their course completion papers.

Author Biographies

  • Fernanda Beatriz Caricari de Morais, Divisão de Ensino, Academia da Força Aérea, AFA, Pirassununga, SP, Brasil

    She is an Adjunct Professor III at the Air Force Academy. PhD in Applied Linguistics and Studies of Language (PUC-SP), with a period in the Department of English Studies of the University of Lisbon. Post-doctorate at UFU (PNPD/CAPES) and PUC-SP (PDJ/CNPq). Teacher of the Professional Master's Degree in Bilingual Education from INES/MEC-RJ since 2014. Group member SAL (Systemics Across Languages) international research program, also dialoguing with the Center for of Interdisciplinary Studies in Aerospace Sciences (NEICA/UNIFA). Your interests in research are related to the use of Systemic-Functional Linguistics and Linguistics of Corpus for the analysis of various aspects of language use. Currently, it analyzes the characteristics lexical-grammatical of academic articles in the field of aviation published in American journals. 

  • João Paulo Martins dos Santos , Divisão de Ensino, Academia da Força Aérea, AFA, Pirassununga, SP, Brasil.

    He holds a degree in Mathematics from the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2006), a master's degree in Mathematics from the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2009) and a PhD in Sciences from the São Carlos School of Engineering - EESC-USP. He is an Adjunct Professor at the Air Force Academy in Pirassununga/SP. He has experience in the area of nonlinear and non-ideal Dynamical Systems, perturbation methods, numerical methods for solving linear systems, finite element method. He has experience in the areas of Teaching and Mathematics with interest in numerical methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations, estimator residual error for the equation of pollutant transport, Python programming language, Scientific Computing in Python and numerical methods for solving linear systems, teaching Mathematics.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

The construction of a corpus of aviation scientific articles:: an interdisciplinary study. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 37, p. 1–21, 2024. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2024.37.617. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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