Digital elevation model of R-99 aircraft

study about altimetry accuracy


  • Breno Ricardo de Araújo Leite Base Aérea de Anápolis (BAAN) Segundo Esquadrão do Sexto Grupo de Aviação (2/6 GAV) Anápolis - GO
  • Éden Jorge Machado Bezerra Base Aérea de Anápolis (BAAN) Segundo Esquadrão do Sexto Grupo de Aviação (2/6 GAV) Anápolis - GO



Digital elevation model, SAR R-99, NSSDA, Interferometry


The Synthetic Aperture Radar of R-99 aircraft (SAR R-99) has many operations modes and the Interferometric SAR
(InSAR) is one of the most important. The main objective of InSAR is to generate a Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
that permits visualization of images in three dimensions and generation of topographic maps. It will be used in
the Cartography of Amazon Project, but there aren’t many studies about the accuracy of this data, specifically
about the altimetry. Thus, the aim of this study is to compare the altimetry of the DEM generated by the SAR R-99
with the DEM generated from a topographic map and classify it in accordance with the Cartographic Accuracy
Standard (Padrão de Exatidão Cartográfica - PEC) and the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA)
from the evaluation of the accuracy of altimetry. For the statistical analysis we selected samples in the topographic
DEM and its counterparts in the DEM of the SAR R-99, whose distribution and spacing followed the criteria of the
methodology of NSSDA. Considering the values of heights for both DEMs, we calculated the existing correlation,
and the result was sufficient to conclude that the DEM of SAR R-99 generated by InSAR mode fits the specifications
for Class “A” on the scale 1/100.000 in accordance with the PEC.


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How to Cite

Digital elevation model of R-99 aircraft: study about altimetry accuracy. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, n. 32, 2013. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2013.26.593. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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