Business process model:
a social construction for military organizations
Anthropo-pedagogical approach, Process management, System thinking, Action researchAbstract
This article aims to identify the enabling factors for the implementation of a business process model to be adopted by military organizations, which face great challenges in order to respond to environmental pressures, provide quick answers in a resilient manner, besides promoting innovation. With the implementation of institutional actions within a Military Organization between 2011 and 2013, a comprehensive, systemic action research project, based on the principles of the anthropo-pedagogical model of André Morin, was developed. After applying the intervention instruments through systemic methods of analysis, many architectural artifacts were generated in order to distinguish the key components of the management system, the key actors involved and affected, as well as the current organizational configuration. These results could reveal a strong tendency to supply the business process model with command and control mechanisms that, when combined with the contextual and relational aspects, like the coordination and organizational learning instruments, provide the organizational effectiveness.
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