Cardiovascular autonomic responses in military pilots:
an operational performance indicator?
Military Aviation, Heart Rate Variability, PilotsAbstract
Aviation has experienced significant technological advances that have resulted in a substantial increase in the power and operational capabilities of aircraft. In this context, modern fighter aircraft, such as the newest vector adopted by the Brazilian Air Force, the F-39 Gripen, are capable of performing maneuvers with high acceleration loads. As a result, pilots are exposed to the effects of the hyper-gravity environment and their cardiovascular capacity is affected, leading to Gz-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC). This study investigated cardiovascular autonomic responses, using Heart Rate Variability (HRV), in pilots during real aerobatic flights with the aim of identifying and evaluating the viability of these responses as an indicator of Operational Performance. The T-27 Tucano training aircraft of the First Air Training Squadron, located at the Air Force Academy, was used. The sample consisted of 29 male military personnel, all belonging to the 1st EIA Crew, divided into three groups: Aircrew (AERO); Instructor Pilots (INSTR); and Air Demonstration Squadron (EDA). HRV indices were analyzed in specific blocks, from pre-flight to post-flight. The analysis of pilots' HRV responses in flight will enable the development and improvement of more effective training, allowing these responses to be used as an indicator of Operational Performance by the Brazilian Air Force, serving as a reference for further studies and technological advances in the aerospace sector.
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