From practice to theory and training for aeromedic evacuation of victims of disasters involving chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents
Nurse, air rescue, disaster education.Abstract
The Brazilian Air Force carries out aeromedical evacuation (EVAM) of victims of disasters involving chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents - CBRN). Objective: to carry out a qualitative analysis on training to work in EVAM that involves CBRN agents in the perception of health professionals with real experiences. Method: qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, carried out through semi-structured interviews. Results: From the sample studied, it was found that the experiences contributed to the review of training to act in new situations. Preparation for action was considered very good in most evaluations, requiring training with specific equipment and PPE. Conclusion: Updating training is important for team safety and effective care. Implications for health and nursing: the role of the nurse researcher/instructor
stood out due to the importance of using research to plan the training and preparation of EVAM in crisis situations, which is a new area of care.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Débora Fernanda Haberland, Fábio José de Almeida Guilherme, Thais da Silva Kneodler, Thiago Augusto Soares Monteiro da Silva, Alexandre Barbosa de Oliveira
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