Planning vs. Execution:

an analysis of VC-2 missions from the point of fatigue in flight


  • João Gustavo Lage Germano Grupo de Transporte Especial - Brasília-DF



Flight fatigue, Air mission planning, PDCA Cycle, Flight safety


This article aimed to identify in which way missions of VC-2 had the management of the in flight fatigue affected by not foreseen factors in the planning, during the period from September 2009 to July 2010. The nature of the research presented exploratory characteristics because it showed the problem of managing fatigue in flight missions of VC-2. The used methodology was the documentary research, complemented by data collection through interviews. With the theoretical reference presented, it was possible to establish a relation between the missions of VC-2 and the theory of Case Management, giving emphasis on the PDCA Cycle. It was approched the whole process of planning a mission, as well as the legislation for guiding the management of fatigue in flight. It was extracted flight data of the planned and executed journeys, type of crew and not foreseen factors in the planning, of the 356 missions accomplished in that period. These data were analyzed according to the stipulated in the planning and it was concluded that the management of fatigue in flight was affected in 31 missions, or 9% of the total. Moreover, it was found that the most important factor involved was the boarding delay of passengers and cargo expected in the mission, presented in 9 of them.


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How to Cite

Planning vs. Execution:: an analysis of VC-2 missions from the point of fatigue in flight. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, n. 28, 2011. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2011.23.641. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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