Maturity analysis of the institutionalization of offset agreements in the Air Force Command


  • Diógenes Lima Neto Secretaria de Economia e Finanças da Aeronáutica - SEFA Brasília/DF - Brasil



Institutionalization of processes, Matureness of processes, Compensation agreements, International bids


Considering the growing global competitiveness, nations always search for ways of leveraging their development. In this sense, offset agreements have been used, historically, as a tool for reaching that goal. In Brazil, particularly at the Air Force Command (COMAER), the scope of this research, such agreements have been implemented since the 1950s. Nevertheless, with the establishment of the Ministry of Defense, in 1999, and the release of the Ministerial Order No 764/MD, in 2002, which rules this subject, a new institutionalization of that process occurred. Thus, the purpose of this study was to analyze the maturity of such institutionalization at COMAER. In order to do so, a questionnaire, with 40 questions, was built using the Business Process Maturity Model framework (BPMM), because of its wide scope. Respondents were COMAER officers who have worked with this kind of agreement in the period 2008-2012. After a bias analysis from the results, it was noticed that only three dimensions, from the five considered, have shown a positive bias. Thus, considering these results, it’s reasonable to come to the conclusion that such institutionalization isn’t mature enough at COMAER


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How to Cite

Maturity analysis of the institutionalization of offset agreements in the Air Force Command. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 27, n. 35, 2014. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2014.27.590. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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