Creation of an Anti G-LOC program at the FAB for the operation of the F-39 Gripen aircraft


  • Rafael Rodrigo Mancin de Morais 1º Grupo de Defesa Aérea (1º GDA)



GRIPEN, G-LOC, Program, Training, Prevention


The F-39 aircraft is being incorporated into the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) and brings with it maneuvering capabilities of up to 9G (nine times the force of gravity). Thus, Brazilian pilots will be subject to the effect of G-LOC (G-induced loss of consciousness), which would be the loss of consciousness due to G-force, extremely dangerous and common in high-performance aircraft. This article argues that the creation of a structured program “Anti G-LOC” in the FAB, through classes, physical training, centrifuge training and performance monitoring, is necessary to guarantee the safe operation of the F-39 Gripen aircraft. First, it is argued that several air forces around the world have initiated programs to prevent G-LOC and achieved positive results in this regard. They used the centrifuge, in a controlled environment, to increase the pilot’s tolerance to G, with training and execution of AGSM breathing maneuvers (Anti G Straining Maneuver), classes for crew awareness and anaerobic physical training. Secondly, the analysis of data collection, due to the large number of personal variables involved such as age, physical type, flight experience, etc., proved to be extremely important so that the knowledge produced could be reinvested in the programs themselves in order to improve them. them, considering that several studies lacked more data for their validation. Therefore, with the creation of an Anti G-LOC program, the FAB will invest in the Flight Safety of the F-39 Gripen, preventing accidents, saving material losses and safeguarding lives. Furthermore, the development and improvement of the program will serve as a reference for new studies to be initiated in the Armed Forces and in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Creation of an Anti G-LOC program at the FAB for the operation of the F-39 Gripen aircraft. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 35, n. 2, 2022. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2022.35.504. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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