The training of the military health corps in biological, nuclear, chemical and radiological defense in the Brazilian Air Force


  • Débora Fernanda Haberland Instituto de Medicina Aeroespacial Brigadeiro Roberto Teixeira (IMAE)
  • Fábio José de Almeida Guilherme Instituto de Medicina Aeroespacial Brigadeiro Roberto Teixeira (IMAE)
  • Alexandre Barbosa de Oliveira Instituto de Medicina Aeroespacial Brigadeiro Roberto Teixeira (IMAE)



Professional training, Air ambulances, Healthpersonnel, Disasters


Introduction: Among the missions of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) is the prompt and effective response related to the care of victims of events related to Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear Defense (DQBRN). During the COVID-19 operation, many aeromedical evacuations of patients between the states of the country were carried out. Faced with scenarios that involve situations of this nature, it is imperative that the health team is able to act. The Air Force Command Directive 1-6 (DCA 1-6) deals with the Doctrine of Preparation and Employment of the FAB in Transport Missions for DQBRN, recommends that, in case of events with CBRN agents, it is up to the Air Force Command (COMAER ) transporting specialized personnel and material to act in the events resulting from the attacks or accidents, as well as the transport of radio victims and/or contaminated persons, emphasizes the obligation to constitute Medical Control Teams (ECM), with technically prepared personnel and assigns responsibilities to EMAER (BRASIL, 2014). Currently, the training of the health team is carried out by the Institute of Aerospace Medicine (IMAE). The Health Training Course in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (CCS-DQBRN) aims to provide trainees with knowledge about the procedures used in the care and aeromedical transport of victims of CBRN attacks. It is given to military doctors, nurses and nursing technicians from FAB or friendly institutions. Objective: To describe how the current training of the health team in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) defense occurs at FAB. Method: Documentary research, through data collection from the IMAE Teaching and Research Advisory Department database. Results: The number of graduates of the CCS-DQBRN from 2013 to 2021 was raised. The first course took place in November 2013, totaling 10 classes and training of 231 soldiers in the area. Of the graduated students, we identified 106 doctors (46%), 34 nurses (15%), 51 nursing technicians (22%) and 40 from other specialties (17%). Discussions: The 40-hour immersion course is aimed at the interaction of students who make up the health team. The teaching method involves expository theoretical classes, workshops, practical assembly and decontamination activities and simulation of DQBRN events, as well as attendance victims and boarding the aircraft for Aeromedical Evacuation simulation. According to BRASIL (2012), IMAE is responsible for air transport for the benefit of CBRN defense, employing Air Force means to move personnel and material that have been subjected to the action of CBRN agents, and to transport personnel and material specialized in the resulting activities. of these events. Conclusion: The training of the military with this theme has been shown to be effective in order to build knowledge and correlate theory with practice, being able to act in a real situation in favor of society.


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How to Cite

The training of the military health corps in biological, nuclear, chemical and radiological defense in the Brazilian Air Force. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 35, n. 2, 2022. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2022.35.498. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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