Formative feedback in Air Instruction:

case study in the Operational Specialization Program


  • Andrei Henning Salmoria Segundo do Quinto Grupo de Aviação (2º/5º GAV) – Parnamirim/RN – Brasil
  • André Luís Monteiro Primeiro do Quinto Grupo de Aviação (1º/5º GAV) – Parnamirim/RN – Brasil
  • Laís Karla da Silva Barreto Universidade Potiguar (UNP) – Natal/RN – Brasil
  • Marcelo Victor Alves Bila Queiroz Universidade Potiguar (UNP) – Natal/RN – Brasil



Feedback, Debriefing, Air Instruction, Learning


This scientific article aims to evaluate to what extent the characteristics of formative feedback influence the
learning of pilots of the Brazilian Air Force enrolled in the Operational Specialization Program (PESOP)
2020. It has as a theoretical basis the studies of Mory (2004), Hattie and Timperley (2007) and Shute (2008).
In the studies, it was identified which characteristics of formative feedback are most effective and efficient in
promoting learning. Subsequently, in order to identify which of the characteristics of formative feedback
influence flight learning, a five-point questionnaire on the Likert scale (1932) was sent to 77 pilots registered
at PESOP 2020. The responses were analyzed using box-plot graphics, histograms and medians, in four
different groups: what should be done, what should be avoided, the most appropriate time to proceed with the student’s feedback and student’s characteristics. The results, in the perception of the studied pilots,
indicated similarity of the characteristics of the formative feedback when applied in the debriefing of the aerial instruction, leading to a model of good practices for the flight debriefing. Thus, the
conclusions obtained by this work will serve as a scientific basis for the improvement of air instruction
not only within the scope of Ala 10 and the Brazilian Air Force, but also useful to all those who are destined
to teach the art of flying.


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How to Cite

Formative feedback in Air Instruction: : case study in the Operational Specialization Program. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 33, n. 2, 2020. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2020.33.210. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.

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