The Research Project Program at the Air Force Academy:

way research?


  • Eliana Prado Carlino Academia da Força Aérea (AFA) Pirassununga - São Paulo - SP
  • Adriano Rogério Bruno Tech Academia da Força Aérea (AFA) Pirassununga - São Paulo - SP



Monograph, Research, Training, Cadet


The activities of a monograph ot the Air Force Academy (AFA) have suffered, over time, a process of transformation, both in their formalistic and in their academic intentions. During these changes, there have been observed, specially in the last three years, some of the difficulties experienced in the preparation of this academic work, which has even helped to think over its suppression of the curriculum for the training of future Air Force Officers. However, while identifying the main difficulties, we believe in the possibility of appointing new perspectives regarding the process of knowledge production in the AFA, so that all the efforts related to the research activity be valued regardless of theoretical, methodological or epistemological perspectives adopted.


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How to Cite

The Research Project Program at the Air Force Academy:: way research?. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, n. 30, 2012. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2012.25.697. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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