Technological Evolution and new Approaches for the Research and Knowledge Development in the Military Teaching


  • Luciene Conte Kube Academia da Força Aérea (AFA) Professora Adjunto - Divisão de Ensino Pirassununga - SP



Education, Armed Forces, Technological Evolution, Military Training, Educational Projects


This essay shows a review about the technological evolution in the contemporary society, which aims to canalize knowledge for the military academic teaching to stimulate the scientific upbringing of the future military officer. The technological progress in developed countries is based on a dynamic educational system that catalyzes the production of new ideas, products, information and knowledge systems, which are attributes of their socioeconomic scientific, and cultural development. On the other hand, the history shows that countries which are unattached with educational challenges are subdued by the technological dependency. The military officers training can be benefited by educational programs which promote knowledge seek. The upbringing of the future military officers should stimulate the work that recognizes and uses the talents and values of the institution. These approaches require a strategic plan, a vision of future, acceptance of new paradigm, researches and investments in human knowledge; once the officers should make decisions on the air, at sea or on land, so he needs these attributes to command. Some concepts directed to educators are discussed in order to encourage some reflections about a better management of knowledge. This essay also makes some historical considerations about science, technology, and innovation in the armed forces, as well as the phenomenon of globalization, technological acceleration and power.


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How to Cite

Technological Evolution and new Approaches for the Research and Knowledge Development in the Military Teaching. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, n. 30, 2012. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2012.25.696. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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