The Academic Construction of the Brazilian Air Force University
Knowledge Exchange, Higher Education, Aeronautics, BrazilAbstract
This study aims to present the history of the Brazilian Air Force University and its role in the context of the Brazilian higher education. Being the only Brazilian military university, it has some unprecedented tasks which are shown along this work such as: the definition of the concentration area and lines of research, the construction of a knowledge attuned to pluralism and interdisciplinarity that define the modern academic space: the willingness of the teachers and students to build an university opened to live with other public and private institutions.National and Aeronautics documents were consulted. Besides to these primary sources, some books were consulted and material was collected by direct observation from the author herself who is a
professor in the Brazilian Air Force. This reflection results in the profile of the Brazilian Air Force University at the time that the involved staff try to improve and legitimize it as an institution of high quality education.
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Copyright (c) 2010 Maria Célia Barbosa Reis da Silva

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