Motivation of the Licensing Deciding Act on Account of the Discipline


  • Maximo Ballatore Holland Escola de Comando de Estado-Maior da Aeronáutica (ECEMAR), Curso de Política e Estratégia Aeroespaciais (CPEA) - 2010, Rio de Janeiro, RJ



Discipline, Motivation, Licensing, Hierarchy


When examining the Military Disciplinary Administrative Law, this paper aims to point out the current lack in the Disciplinary Regulations of the Air Force (RDAER), 1975, and in the Ordinance, nº 967/GC3, 2009, of legislative provision expressed on Motivation of the Licensing Deciding Act on account of the Discipline, under the penalty of its nullity; exposing the Air Force upper hierarchical and making fragile the fundamental pillars: Hierarchy and Discipline. Justifying this thesis are the very purposes of this research, namely: to present motivation act which has been omitted making it completely perfect, valid and effective, and finally, last but not least, to prevent eventual litigation, privileging the economy principles. This article suggests
an administrative and legal analysis of the need of that motivation within the Air Force through the subsidiary application of the Law, Administrative Procedures Law, 1999, Law nº 9.784. Thus, with the adoption of this feasible resort, one would prevent the keeping of the administrative act ruled in the provisions of that General Law, which is currently, a satisfactory document to this Act Legality and Legitimacy eventual judicial proof.


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Review Articles

How to Cite

Motivation of the Licensing Deciding Act on Account of the Discipline. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, n. 27, 2010. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2010.23.611. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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