Training and development in the qualification of new pilot and use of digital simulator


  • André Luís Monteiro Tomaz Esquadrão de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicações na Base Aérea de Natal, BANT, Natal, RN, Brasil
  • Laís Karla da Silva Barreto Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração, PPGA, Universidade Potiguar, UnP, Natal, RN, Brasil
  • Joyce Mariella Medeiros Cavalcanti Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração, PPGA, Universidade Potiguar, UnP, Natal, RN, Brasil
  • Marcelo Victor Alves Bila Queiroz Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração, PPGA, Universidade Potiguar, UnP, Natal, RN, Brasil
  • Rui Fernando Correia Ferreira Centro de Instrução e Adaptação de Aeronáutica, CIAAR, Lagoa Santa, MG, Brasil
  • Éder Miranda da Silva Coordenação de área, Universidade Potiguar, UnP, Natal, RN, Brasil



Flight simulator, training, performance


The objective of this research was to analyze the effects provided by training and development programs applied to new intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aviation (IVR) pilots of the 1st/5th Aviation Group (GAV) using the simulator C-95M, that was implemented in the 1st half of 2019 at the Natal Air Base. For the collection of information, secondary data were initially obtained referring to the flight records of pilots enrolled in the Aviation Operational Specialization Course for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (CEO-IVR), specifically for the flight simulator and advanced instrument phases, in the period between 2017 and 2020. Then, the flight grades of the students were analyzed to measure the effect provided by the training and development programs researched and that were applied to the new pilots of the 1st/5th GAV using the C- 95M The technique of simple linear regression was used for each one of the variables studied and in an isolated way to verify which one of them influenced the performance of the pilots after the adoption of the implemented training techniques. The results found suggested that the training methods adopted had positive effects on the pilots' psychomotor performance. It is concluded, therefore, that the findings of this research will contribute as a theoretical and empirical basis for the conduction of actions that allow the development of desirable skills for the training of pilots in carrying out the CEO-IVR.

Author Biographies

  • André Luís Monteiro Tomaz, Esquadrão de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicações na Base Aérea de Natal, BANT, Natal, RN, Brasil

     He holds a bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Sciences and Public Administration from the Academy 
    of the Air Force (2007) and a professional master's degree in Administration from the Potiguar University (2022). He published an article in the Journal of the University of the Air Force in the year 2021, under the title: The influence of formative feedback on Air Instruction.

  • Laís Karla da Silva Barreto, Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração, PPGA, Universidade Potiguar, UnP, Natal, RN, Brasil

    He holds a PhD and a Master's degree from the Graduate Program in Graduate Studies at Language/ Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Completed Specialization in Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education and has a degree in Social Communication, Languages and Literature. Administration. Currently, he participates in the research groups 1) Communication and Processes of Signification / UnP, 2) Strategic Business Management: management with people / UnP, 3) Universities, Public Management and Regional Development/ UFCG - registered with CNPq. He is a member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Administration - PPgA/ UnP - Master's and Doctorate. It is linked to the Professional Master's Degree in Health Education 
    of the Dr. Leão Sampaio University Center/CE in the research line Curriculum, training professional and teaching processes. 

  • Joyce Mariella Medeiros Cavalcanti, Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração, PPGA, Universidade Potiguar, UnP, Natal, RN, Brasil

      Professor at Potiguar University and researcher at the Ânima Institute. Doctor 
    in Business Administration (2018) from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in the line of Finance research. She did a sandwich doctorate at Université Paris-Sud 11 (2016-2017), France. Master in Business Administration (2014) and Bachelor of Science in Accounting (2011), both from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. He is a permanent professor at Graduate Program in Business Administration at Potiguar University, working jointly in the academic and professional programs. He is the leader of GEPICOMEX (2021), a research group on international relations and foreign trade. Coordinates extension actions (2023) in the undergraduate and graduate courses of the Ânima Ecosystem. 
    She has worked as an evaluator and published in journals in the area of Administration and Accounting. He has research interests in: management accounting; Active Intangible; corporate finance; quantitative methods"

  • Marcelo Victor Alves Bila Queiroz, Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração, PPGA, Universidade Potiguar, UnP, Natal, RN, Brasil

      Graduated from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2013), master's degree (2015) and doctorate (2019) from the Graduate Program in UFRN Administration. He is currently a professor at the Business School of Universidade Potiguar (UnP) and is part of the Graduate Program in Administration (PPGA-UNP). He has research interests in the following topics: evaluation of public policies, analysis of organizational efficiency and employment of Quantitative Methods in Applied Social Sciences. 

  • Rui Fernando Correia Ferreira, Centro de Instrução e Adaptação de Aeronáutica, CIAAR, Lagoa Santa, MG, Brasil

    PhD in Business Administration from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2018). Master in Business Administration from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2015). Graduation in Business Administration from FUMEC University (2012). Military Officer Summoned from the FAB, he works at the Aeronautics Instruction and Adaptation Center - CIAAR. He has experience in research and teaching in the area of Administration, with emphasis in Strategic Management and Innovation Management, Business Administration 
    Public, working mainly on the following topics: competitive strategy, strategic performance, qualitative benchmarking, network analysis, innovation, 
    entrepreneurship and organizational networks.

  • Éder Miranda da Silva, Coordenação de área, Universidade Potiguar, UnP, Natal, RN, Brasil

     Technologist in Mechanical Manufacturing from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN 2012). Landscaping Technician from the University Potiguar (UnP 2015). Specialist in Renewable Energies from Potiguar University (UnP 2017). Master in Process Engineering from Potiguar University (UnP 2021). Alternate member of COMCIT - Municipal Council of Science and Technology (since 2019), Titular Advisor of COINCITEC - Commission for Innovation, Science and Technology (since 2020), Titular Councilor of CAPTMD - Administrative Council of the Park 
    Technological Digital Metropolis (since 2020).


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Training and development in the qualification of new pilot and use of digital simulator. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 37, p. 1–18, 2024. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2024.37.541. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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