The role of technological innovation and the joint management of the cybernetics sector in the integration of Information Operations in Brazil

comparison with the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Russia


  • Márcio Saldanha Walker Comando de Operações Terrestres (COTER) – Brasília/DF – Brasil



Information operations, Cybernetic defense, Cybernetic warfare, Joint operations


This study is intended to verify the role of technological innovation and the joint management of the cybernetics sector in the integration of Information Operations in Brazil. The advent of technological innovations has modified the vision of forces of the world with regard to the organization of the cybernetics sector and the integration of Information Operations. In Brazil, the political-strategic proposals of the Ministry of Defense resulted in initiatives in the cybernetics sector in the three Armed Forces, impacting the organizational management of the Joint Information Operations. The problem was evidenced by the fact that the three Brazilian Armed Forces structured different cybernetic and information systems, divergent from the global trend in terms of interoperability in Joint Operations. The comparison between the of organizational politicalstrategic vision and the joint cybernetic structures was used in the Information Operations in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Russia, with the political-strategic vision and the cybernetic and Information Operations structures in Brazil. Thus, it has been verified that, although partially divergent, compared to Brazil, the countries present a common vision regarding the political-strategic proposal and the joint cybernetic structure, unlike Brazil’s cybernetic information management model that does not have the joint organizational view. As a conclusion, the study suggests the integration by the Information Management innovation, with the unification of the cybernetic structure at the joint strategic and operational level of the Armed Forces, in order to increase the Interoperability of Information Operations.


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How to Cite

The role of technological innovation and the joint management of the cybernetics sector in the integration of Information Operations in Brazil: comparison with the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Russia. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 30, n. 2, 2024. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2017.30.491. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.

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