The influence of pilots’ understanding of the interaction of risk factors in the maximum effort landing operation in Antarctica


  • Joyce de Souza Conceição Primeiro Esquadrão do Primeiro Grupo de Transporte (1º/1º GT) – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brasil



Antarctica, Maximum landing effort, Risk factors, Understanding


This research aimed to identify the influence of pilots’ understanding of the interaction of risk factors in the maximum effort landing operation in Antarctica. In this regard, a documentary investigation was
initially carried out to determine, among the planning factors of the maximum effort landing, which ones
are risk factors in the Antarctic context. By applying the matrix arrangement proposed by the Brasiliano Risk Analysis Method, the identified variables were classified according to their motor and dependency characteristics. Next, a survey was conducted with the Antarctic Crew Charter pilots to verify what crew members understood regarding the interaction between factors, which were also subjected to a matrix arrangement and classified according to the method proposed by Brasiliano (2006). The comparison
between the classification obtained in the survey and the pilots’ perception indicated differences in the location of the factors “wind”, “contamination” and “point of contact”, which were understood by the crew members as those with less influence on the system. Therefore, it was found that such difference may be an indication of a low situational awareness at the
level of “understanding”, which refers to the ability of understanding, interpreting and evaluating data,
according to Endsley (1999). After such findings, it was concluded that an inadequate understanding of the
interaction of risk factors can contribute to accidents or incidents in the operation in SCRM, increasing the
possibility of events such as runway departures or loss of lateral control of the aircraft.


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How to Cite

The influence of pilots’ understanding of the interaction of risk factors in the maximum effort landing operation in Antarctica. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 33, n. 1, 2020. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2020.33.224. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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