Electronic Security – The Ideal Solution
Electronic security, Surveillance, Efficiency, Human resources, TechnologyAbstract
The article "Electronic Security – The Ideal Solution" discusses the evolution of security in military organizations, emphasizing the transition from traditional surveillance methods to electronic systems. Electronic security is presented as an effective solution to challenges such as the lack of personnel to guard service posts. The text highlights the importance of the Control Center, which monitors cameras and alarms, and the formation of rapid-response teams that ensure quick emergency responses. Additionally, the implementation of electronic systems allows for better allocation of human resources, enabling the deactivation of posts and the rationalization of service teams. The article also addresses the need for investments in technology, emphasizing that despite initial costs, the security of military units will be significantly enhanced, with more efficient control over access and the movement of people.
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_____.Documento sobre o currículo mínimo para formação de soldados, publicado em 1986.
Copyright (c) 2024 Luís Augusto Brusch Terres
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