Legal advising regional office and Brazilian Air Force Command: aconjucture analysis


  • Carlos Augusto Júnior



Legal Advising, Planning Purchase, Acquisitions, Bidding Process


In The Administration Science, the planning function has taken special importance to the achievement of the Brazilian Air Force mission. Therefore, this scientific research investigates the impact caused in the activities related to the Brazilian Air Force Command purchase planning by the recently established Legal Advising Regional Office of General Advocacy Agency. With the intention of identifying likely unfavorable factors to the observance of the Brazilian Air Force Command purchase planning, this article studied tender notice, contracts memoranda´s current legal analysis routine by using the exploratory research method. In order to compose the theoretical-interpretative base of this article, the Management and Processes’ Modeling (Maranhão and Macieira), Administration by Objectives (Chiavenato and Drucker), and Administrative Law (Meirelles and Di Pietro) concepts were utilized. Concerning to the type of research, the bibliographic one was selected, because information was collected from books, legal articles, federal legislations, and Brazilian Air Force Command internal rules. A questionnaire was also used to interview some managers of sealed biddings, in order to allow a more adequate investigation about the question. Consequently, it was verified the importance of legal analysis in The Brazilian Air Force Command’s bidding process as legal security factor to the Expenses Manager, suggesting futures researches to propose solutions which reduce the gap of time between the opening of the General Acquisition Planning and the establishment of the bidding procedures as an improvement form of this process to the Public Administration. 


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Legal advising regional office and Brazilian Air Force Command: aconjucture analysis. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 19, n. 22, 2024. DOI: 10.22480/rev.unifa.2007.19.849. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.

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