Modern Air Combat and Its Influence in the Air Defence Controller‘s Formation


  • João Spencer Ferreira da Costa Junior 1° Esquadrão do 14° Grupo de Aviação - R. Augusto Severo, 5700, Canoas-RS



Air defense controller’s training, Air-to-air combat, BVR, Competence management


The F-5M and Mirage 2000C acquisition by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) started a new era in its operational level, due to the introduction of medium range air-to-air missiles (BVR) launching capability. This entirely new way of air power employment demanded an enormous change in the technical and operational levels of its air defense controllers. Starting from this operational gap, this paper aims to investigate the participation of an air defense controller in a BVR combat scenario and identify the competences required to perform his operational duties. The goal is to provide reliable data to the reformulation of air defense controller’s undergraduate formation and postgraduate training programs. To reach this goal, an exploratory research was performed, by defining a theoretical model through process-mapping of a typical BVR engagement, using USAF-developed IDEF0 model, as well as by identifying the competences required of an air defense controller in a BVR scenario, according to Durand’s definition. With this theoretical basis established, it was possible to do a survey with pilots of 1º/14º GAV and 1º GDA, the two first FAB squadrons to introduce the BVR capability in service. The data collected were analyzed through descriptive statistical methods and provided the answers to the research initial question. It was concluded that air defense controller’s participation is more important in the BVR engagement phases defined as detection, identification, commit and threat reaction. It was also identified 31 competences required of an air defense controller to perform his operational duties.


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How to Cite

Modern Air Combat and Its Influence in the Air Defence Controller‘s Formation. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, n. 25, 2009. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2009.22.830. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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