Occupational hygiene as a motivational factor in an air unit


  • Valdemiro Machado da Silva Centro de Operações de Transporte Aéreo da Quinta Força Aérea, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil




Hygiene, Motivation, Health, Prevention


This scientific paper aims to examine the application of the concepts of occupational hygiene in an Air Unit and check whether the level of motivation is influenced by the compliance of these aspects in the performance of daily tasks. The methodology is an applied research, using documentary research, literature and data collection for searching the necessary information in order to describe and analyze the laws governing occupational hygiene as well as the theories developed for the motivation of human being in a job environment. The analysis focus on the development of occupational hygiene since the industrial revolution and how the conditions of the workplace began to evolve since then. To do so, some theories about the motivation of human being and their influence over human behavior when exposed to certain circumstances. It is concluded that the non-compliance of the concepts of occupational hygiene negatively influence the motivation of the military engaged in the maintenance activities on the air unit searched.


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How to Cite

Occupational hygiene as a motivational factor in an air unit. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, n. 26, 2010. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2010.23.804. Disponível em: https://revistadaunifa.fab.mil.br/index.php/reunifa/article/view/804.. Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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