Prevalence of Cervical Pain in Brazilian Air Force Helicopter Pilots.


  • Márcio José Régis da Silva Força Aérea Brasileira



Prevalence, Cervical pain, Helicopter pilots, Military personnel


Recently published surveys had suggested that cervical pain in helicopter’s pilots reached preoccupying levels. The goal of this paper is to verify how the risk factors such as, type of helicopter, total fligth hours, fligth hours with nigth vision goggles (NVG) and physical condition have been factors of influence on the prevalence of cervical pain in those pilots. In the hope of finding the cause of those pains among the Brazilian Air Force Helicopter Pilots. A questionnaire was applied to 110 HP, from five different squadrons and 75 were returned. The predominance founded was about 21.3% for a period of six months. The descriptive statistics was used to analyze the obtained data and the results which showed that those factors of risk, when observed separately,does not seem to have influence over that kind of predominance. Although, the association of two factors, the total fligth hours and the type of helicopter, are indicatios that they may cause some influence in that malady


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How to Cite

Prevalence of Cervical Pain in Brazilian Air Force Helicopter Pilots. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 21, n. 24, 2024. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2009.21.766. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.

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