Improvement of a spatial disorientation simulator based on the concept of Bárány


  • Thais Russomano Centro de Microgravidade - PUCRS Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil
  • Luiz Alberto Piedade Centro de Microgravidade - PUCRS Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil
  • Paulo Antônio Guimarães Lanzini Lopes Centro de Microgravidade - PUCRS Porto Alegre/RS - Brasi
  • Ingrid Gradaschi Lamadrid Centro de Microgravidade - PUCRS Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil
  • Leandro Disiuta Centro de Microgravidade - PUCRS Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil
  • Ricardo Bertoglio Cardoso Centro de Microgravidade - PUCRS Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil
  • Júlio César Marques de Lima Centro de Microgravidade - PUCRS Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil
  • Cloer Vescia Alves Centro de Microgravidade - PUCRS Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil



Simulator, Spatial disorientation, Concept of Bárány, Air accident


Spatial disorientation is a condition in which a pilot is unable to accurately determine the aircraft position relative to the airspace surrounding it or to the ground surface, putting at risk the flight safety. All individuals are susceptible to this experience, especially when flying at night or in adverse weather conditions. Therefore, this project aimed to make improvements to a Spatial Disorientation Simulator (SDS) based on the concept of Bárány, to facilitate pilot training and enable aerospace physiology research to take place. To this end, a survey was conducted on the limitations presented by the control software and hardware, and on the mechanical structure of the existing MicroG Centre simulator, from which were identified those features requiring improvement. The resultant SDS is equipped with magnetic braking, direction reversal and fine
control of speed and acceleration, features found only in this version of the simulator, which enabled it to meet the needs established by aerospace physiology study protocols. This work results from more than a decade of experience conducting research in spatial disorientation, for which international recognition has been achieved. The data presented demonstrated the positive impact of the improvements achieved in conducting clinical-physiological research.


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How to Cite

Improvement of a spatial disorientation simulator based on the concept of Bárány. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 27, n. 35, 2014. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2014.27.573. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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