Making quick decisions

an investigation on the relationship between multiple tasks and impulsiveness


  • Valéria Marcondes Pereira Air Force Academy – AFA
  • Luiz Maurício de Andrade da Silva Air Force Academy – AFA



Multiple tasks, Impulsivity, Decision making


This article is part of a research project that aims to contribute to the training of military pilots, specifically training for quick decisions. The starting point of the research is the aptitude test for military pilot (TAPMIL), which assesses learning potential candidate for military pilot with a view to flight instruction conducted in the Air Squadrons Instruction Air Force Academy (AFA) . It is a fully computerized psychological test consisting of a battery of six tests that assess, independently or combined, inherent in piloting skills as "cognitive skills" (eg, information processing, speed and accuracy of responses, working memory ) and ability to "multitask" (psychomotor and cognitive combined) (Costa, 2010, p.6). Are sought evidence for assigning weights to the different variables involved in the problem of fitness (Silva et al., 2009) which leads us to choose - until now - as featured in the ability multitasking variable. The focus in the variable 'multitask' has led us to new investigative lines, as studies on human judgment in decisions, particularly those taken in dynamic environments with a large uncertainty (Klein, 2009), and the relationship between the ability to perform multiple tasks and impulsivity. Therefore, in order to continue this investigative line about the correlation between multiple tasks and impulsivity, this paper aims to present the results of two tests performed with the Brazilian Air Force cadets, airmen of the class of 2011 in a total 60 volunteers. To check the ability to perform multiple tasks, we used the test "all at once" (Herculano-Houzel, 2014). And with 45 volunteers to test impulsivity used the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale - 11 BIS.


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How to Cite

Making quick decisions: an investigation on the relationship between multiple tasks and impulsiveness. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, n. 2, 2022. DOI: 10.22480/revuinfa.%y.v28.442. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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