Evolution of paradigms in aeronautical occurrences’ investigations


  • Adalberto Santos Prado Fourth Regional Service for Aeronautic
  • Flavio Neri Hadmann Jasper Aeronautic Economy and Finance Secretariat - SEFA




With the advancement of aeronautical sciences, new theories about air accident investigation became necessary to explain and promote the prevention of these occurrences. The theories that seek to explain the processes involved in aircraft accidents suffered developments, according to the different situations and development of aviation at different times, but there was not a total break. Heinrich (1931) published a theory concerned with the existence of an unsafe action next to the accident that should be prevented so that damage does not occur. This thought was represented by the domino`s model and was very important in the emergence of the following theories. Reason (1997) developed the theory of multiple causes, represented by the Swiss cheese model. According to this theory, in organizations there are latent conditions that act on the vulnerabilities of the defenses and, when aligned and attached to an active fault, cause the accident. As a result of the evolution of paradigms in the aviation occurrences investigations, the organizational aspects are considered in the investigation process and the prevention of aircraft accidents programs, as well as the identification of danger or threat. This concept underlies the management of risk, keeping it within an acceptable level compatible with the development of air activity. These developments paradigms in flight safety processes were analyzed in the light of the Kuhn (1991) theory about revolution of sciences, through consultation of the scientific articles, books and dictionaries.


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How to Cite

Evolution of paradigms in aeronautical occurrences’ investigations. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, n. 2, 2022. DOI: 10.22480/revuinfa.%y.v28.440. Disponível em: https://revistadaunifa.fab.mil.br/index.php/reunifa/article/view/440.. Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.