Anti-aircraft Astros 2020
advantages of public investment for the expansion of the ASTROS system capacity
Medium Height, Avibras., SIDAMA, InvestmentAbstract
This study aims at pointing out the advantages of government investment with a focus on meeting the
need to develop indigenous technology, capable of
contributing to the stimulation of the national defense
equipment industry, especially the ASTROS System
by Avibras. This is a case study that sheds light on a
new project called Medium-Sized Anti-Aircraft Defense
System (SIDAMA), which aims to launch an Antiaircraft
Artillery version of ASTROS 2020 System as
a new company portfolio. Therefore, this work was
based on bibliographic sources and documentary
research and complemented by field research built
upon interviews and visits made to the company. The
results indicate that the increase in the ASTROS family
will have positive effects, indicating that a possible
federal contribution to the project financing will produce good returns in the economic and social sphere at the national level. The paper is finished by relating such effects with the expected improvement of the Brazilian war industry at international level and by indicating the possibility of similar studies based on other companies of the field in order to ratify or rectify the impressions collected in this paper.
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