Aerospace Mobilization: Systemic Analysis of the Brazilian Model
Aerospace Mobilization, Aerospace Power, National Defense PolicyAbstract
The article "Aerospace Mobilization: Systemic Analysis of the Brazilian Model" examines the Aerospace Mobilization System (SISMAERO) in Brazil, highlighting its complexity and scope in both military and civil contexts. Using a systemic approach, the study identifies the constraints that have delayed the structuring of the system, such as the lack of awareness regarding the importance of aerospace mobilization, the absence of specific legislation, and the unfavorable economic situation. The article emphasizes the need for a legal framework, such as Bill 2272/2003, to facilitate the system's implementation. Additionally, it discusses the relevance of the concept of rapid response, essential for a large country like Brazil. The analysis concludes that, to ensure national security, it is crucial for the Ministry of Defense to prioritize aerospace mobilization and develop strategies that integrate the various expressions of aerospace power, including the Air Force, Civil Aviation, and the Aerospace Industry. The article suggests that mobilization should be viewed as a matter of national interest, requiring collaboration between the government and society to strengthen the country's defense.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Alberto Bonilha, Eduardo Riedel Polônio, Eduardo Sérgio Raimundo
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