Biosecurity in the dentistry enviroment at the Brazilian air Force


  • Jorge Alberto Farinassi Força Aérea Brasileira



Bio security, Dentistry, Cross Infection, Asepsis


The professionals of Dentistry in the Units of Dentistry of the Brazilian Air Force are exposed to a great variety of infectious agents in the work environment. The use of effective procedures to infection control and the observance of the standard-precaution at the dental clinic are essential to prevent the cross-infection, extensive to Surgeons Dentistry, team and patients. The purpose of this present work is to analyze the bio security actions of Surgeons Dentistry and the Assistants in the dental clinics of the Brazilian Air Force, with emphasis on blockage of cross infection, procedure protection of the professional team, the instrumental sterilization, the desinfection of the equipments and work environment. To achieve the objective, questionnaires were applied to the dentistry professional team. The obtained data were statistically analyzed. The results of the research were discussed based on the bio security regulation and they demonstrated that there are deficiencies on the procedures of the professional team, which indicates the need to increase the awareness of those professionals to improve bio security procedures.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Biosecurity in the dentistry enviroment at the Brazilian air Force. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 19, n. 22, 2024. DOI: 10.22480/rev.unifa.2007.19.843. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.