Pilot's Cognitive Knowledge:
a factor to increase flight safety standards
Flight safety, Knowledge, Aeronautical accident, Aircraft performanceAbstract
An aeronautical accident does not have a single cause, but is the result of a series of contributing factors that, together, end up making it inevitable. This research aims to verify to what extent the crews' lack of knowledge regarding aerodynamics and aircraft performance can influence flight safety indices. To this end, accidents with multi-engine transport aircraft of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) that occurred between 1995 and 1999 are analyzed. To support the work, Henrich's Domino Theory and Why-Because Analysis (WBA) are used. by Ladkin and Loer, both related to the chain of events that culminate in the occurrence of accidents and are used in investigations. At the end of the work, it is concluded that, despite not necessarily being the main contributing factor in the majority of accidents researched, the lack of knowledge can have an active role in the sequence of events that lead to it, deserving special attention from the Safety System. Aviation Accident Investigation and Prevention (SIPAER).
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