Impact of the MM5 Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterizations on Wind Forecast at Low Levels


  • Gerson Luiz Camillo EAOAR (CAP 2/2010) e ICEA/CINDACTA I (Projeto de Modelagem Numérica de Tempo) BRASÍLIA/DF



MM5, Parameterization, Planetary boundary layer, Wind


The numerical forecast model MM5 is composed of basic equations of atmospheric motion and parameterizations. One of these is the planetary boundary layer (PBL), where there are major phenomena that interfere with human activity, such as fog, whose prediction depends on analysis of several factors, including wind. This research aimed to quantify the influence of PBL parameterizations on wind forecast at low levels of MM5 model applied to Porto Alegre, facing stable atmospheric conditions. Concerning to its purposes, this research is classified as descriptive. Concerning to its object, this research is classified as experimental so as five typical consecutive foggy days were selected. The period was characterized by the presence of a stable layer at low levels. The following parameterization schemes were evaluated: Blackadar, Burk-Thompson, MY2.5, Hong-Pan, and Gayno-Seaman. The model was run with a different scheme for each day. The predictions were correlated with those observations obtained from SBPA radiosonde of 12 UTC. The Hong-Pan and Blackadar parameterization were the ones that influenced the MM5 to produce the results of wind magnitude closer to observational data. As to wind direction, most of the
schemes obtained good results, except for Burk-Thompson, which diverged from 300 m on. In conclusion, both the Hong-Pan and the Blackadar parameterizations can be used in the prediction model MM5, especially when the atmosphere is stable at low levels.


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How to Cite

Impact of the MM5 Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterizations on Wind Forecast at Low Levels. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, n. 28, 2011. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2011.23.642. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jan. 2025.