The compatibility between the concept of the Brazilian Air Force battle uniforms and the performance environments prospected by the National Defense Strategy


  • Fernanda Maria Andrade Bittencourt Escola de Aperfeiçoamento de Oficiais da Aeronáutica, EAOAR, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil



Battle uniform, Design, National Defense Strategy, Operational environment


This research aimed to analyze qualitatively the compatibility between the concept of battle uniforms currently in use in the Brazilian Air Force and the performance environments prospected by the National Defense Strategy to the Force. Pragmatist method was used, based on the peircean semiotic theory and the conceptual foundations of design, to infer the concept which was intrinsic to the 10th uniform from the Regulation of the Uniforms for the Air Force Military Personnel. From this analysis, it was inferred that this uniform was designed as a battle uniform of medium technology, for the Brazilian Air Force military personnel, partially adequate to be employed in campaign, during the day or at night, in the jungle and subtropical rainforest. However, it was identified that the potential operational areas of the Force are occupied by many different biomes in Brazil and worldwide, with the aggravating factor that, in its prioritary operational environment, the Amazon, similar diversity occurs as savannas, grasslands and rainforest coexist in the same biome. Therefore, based on the semiotic-pragmatic logic, this research concluded that the concept of the battle uniform currently in use in the Brazilian Air Force may be considered only partially
compatible with the operational areas prospected by the National Defense Strategy to the Force where the biomes Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest or other tropical moist forests are present and incompatible with all others.


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How to Cite

The compatibility between the concept of the Brazilian Air Force battle uniforms and the performance environments prospected by the National Defense Strategy. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, n. 28, 2011. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2011.23.639. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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