A Solution to the Problem of Vehicle Routing with Collection and Simultaneous Delivery in the Context of Force Brazilian Air


  • Antonio Celio Pereira de Mesquita Instituto de Logística da Aeronáutica - ILA Guarulhos, São Paulo - SP




Routing, Metaheuristic, Air cargo transportation, Scatter search


This article presents a solution for a problem which arises in the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), that consists in defining the simultaneous pickup and delivery routes for the transportation of goods from a distribution center in Rio de Janeiro, considering a homogeneous fleet with a restriction on the weight capacity of the aircrafts. It is proposed a method of solution based on the Scatter Search metaheuristic integrated with the Variable Neighborhood Descent metaheuristic used as a method of solution improvement. This proposal of solution was applied to a real instance of the Brazilian Air Force problem and to three- problem sets of the literature, as well. The results showed that the proposed method is competitive with other approaches for the solution of that problem, considering the same restrictions.


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How to Cite

A Solution to the Problem of Vehicle Routing with Collection and Simultaneous Delivery in the Context of Force Brazilian Air. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, n. 28, 2011. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2011.23.636. Disponível em: https://revistadaunifa.fab.mil.br/index.php/reunifa/article/view/636.. Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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