Musculoskeletal events in fighter pilots of the Anapolis Air Force Base


  • Simônia Nunes Jacques Centro Universitário UniEvangélica Anápolis/GO - Brasil
  • Darlan Martins Ribeiro Centro Universitário UniEvangélica Goiânia/GO - Brasil



Fighter pilot, Air force, Back pain, Musculoskeletal events


Studies with fighter pilots demonstrate that these professionals, undeniably, have been submitted to musculoskeletal
discomfort. In order to investigate the influence of the air activity in their lives this study aimed to identify possible
musculoskeletal events that affect the fighter pilots at the 1st Air Defense Group (1st ADG).The data was collected
individually in the auditorium of the 1st ADG, after the explanation of the purpose of the study, between March 8
and April 8. It was used an adapted version of the Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire. The survey assessed 20
pilots of the Squadron, using the descriptive statistical analysis for data interpretation and the results showed an
incidence in the lumbar spine (low back) as the main discomfort reported by the pilots of the 1st ADG, followed
by the cervical spine (neck). Low back pain was also predominant in studies carried out by Brazilian and foreign
researchers with pilots of various aviation, and addressed the influence of +Gz force and posture while seated
in the cockpit during training missions, as contributing factors for low back pain as well. It is concluded that the
most frequent occurrences are related to the lumbar and cervical region. 


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Musculoskeletal events in fighter pilots of the Anapolis Air Force Base . The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, n. 32, 2013. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2013.26.594. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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