Modernization of the classrooms in the Education Section of the Brazilian Air Force Academy


  • Carlos Alberto Ferreira Bispo Academia da Força Aérea - AFA Pirassununga/SP - Brasil
  • Grazielle de Oliveira Grando Base Aérea de Canoas - BACO Canoas/RS - Brasil



Classroom, Furniture, Equipment, Security


This paper presents a proposal to modernize the classrooms in the Learning Department at the Brazilian Air Force
Academy. The parameters used for the classroom assessment and the model proposed can be used in any college
or university either military or civilian. In order to assess the present situation (2012) of the standardized classrooms
one of them was taken as a model and it was assessed as the architecture, lighting, electrical system, furniture
and decoration. We evaluated the compliance with structural standards existing, besides other deficiencies and
structural problems that may affect the quality of classes taught in these rooms. We also had a research with
the teachers of the institution to ascertain what are the deficiencies and shortcomings of these rooms. After the
evaluations, although we noticed a good infrastructure to support the lessons taught in these rooms, we found
some deficiencies and non-compliances. Based on these assessments, we suggest the modernization of these
classrooms as air conditioning, lighting, acoustics, furniture, security equipment and decoration


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How to Cite

Modernization of the classrooms in the Education Section of the Brazilian Air Force Academy. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, n. 33, 2013. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2013.26.588. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.

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