Male perspectives on the issue of gender differences within the Aeronautical Body of Cadet’s organizational climate


  • Alexandra da Silva Lia Hospital de Força Aérea do Galeão - HFAG Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil
  • Valéria Marcondes Pereira Academia da Força Aérea - AFA Pirassununga/SP - Brasil



Different genres, Organizational climate, Culture, Management


This paper, based on monograph of the same name, presents the main results and conclusions obtained in a study on the coexistence of cadets of both genders in the Air Force Academy, from the male’s point of view .For this purpose, an intentional non-probabilistic sample was defined aiming the results of quantitative research through a questionnaire applied. A sample of 40 (forty) male cadets was randomness chosen within the intentional sample. The results showed that, among others, 62.5 % of the sample agrees that women cadets enliven the atmosphere of the quarters and 55 % does not change its behavior in their presence. The biggest influence resulting from living with them was felt in aspects such as: greater caution, interdependence and dealing with conflicting and diversity of thoughts. Therefore, it is concluded that the climate is not unanimous for all members of the sample, and the coexistence of both sexes is, in fact, capable of influencing the organizational climate, from the perspective of some of the male cadets.


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How to Cite

Male perspectives on the issue of gender differences within the Aeronautical Body of Cadet’s organizational climate. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, n. 1, 2015. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2015.28.393. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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