Education and Technology Pitch for Military Sciences at CIAAR:

teacher and student learning


  • Cynthia Adriádne Santos Centro de Instrução e Adaptação da Aeronáutica (CIAAR)



Teaching, Military Sciences, New Technologies, Interactive Pedagogy, Cyberspace


This experience report presents reflections and impressions about the teaching project entitled “CFOE 240s: Pitch for Military Sciences”, applied in 2016 and 2017 in the technological graduation entitled Specialized Officers Training Course (CFOE) of the Aeronautics Instruction and Adaptation Center (CIAAR). In the weaving of considerations about this pedagogical experience, the teaching-learning practice was evidenced as an empirical source of data, information and knowledge in line with Dialogical Pedagogy, Project Pedagogy, Interactive Pedagogy and New Information and Communication Technologies (NTIC) developed in the Cyberculture scenario, theoretical contribution analyzed together with the educational legislation of the Ministry of Education and the Brazilian Air Force (FAB).The work highlighted FAB’s strategic conception of teaching, materialized in the document PCA 37-11, the Education Modernization Plan, which presents the vision of an education connected to current pedagogical trends, in which the subject of the educational process in the military institution is exposed to very specific requirements and the Air Force Strategic Conception 100 (DCA 11-45), which presents the institutional vision with an emphasis on dissuasive capacity, modern operability, cutting-edge technology in the air, space and cyber environments with a view to integration for the defense of national interests.


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How to Cite

Education and Technology Pitch for Military Sciences at CIAAR:: teacher and student learning . The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 32, n. 1, 2019. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2019.32.286. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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