The National Defence Strategy and the Brazilian Airspace Control System


  • Flávio Neri Hadmann Jasper Secretaria de Economia, Finanças e Administração da Aeronáutica (SEFA) - Brasília , DF



Air traffic control, Aerial defence, Air force, Coordination


This article aims to analyze the definite changes by the Brazilian National Strategic Defence (NDS) about the Brazilian Airspace Control System (SISCEAB). The NDS indicates the Brazilian Airspace Defence Command (COMDABRA) as the new manager of the equipments and resources of surveillance and communication for the airspace control. It was made a research on books and documents approaching the facts with theories such as, the General Systems Theory and those which deals with concepts about Security and Defence, because the Air Force manages the Airspace Defence and the Civilian Air Traffic Control. The analysis of the NDS suggests a modification in the structure of COMAER, including the shift from the Air Traffic Control to civilian management. This fact is possible to come up because one of the NDS’ goals is to restructure the Armed Forces, besides the Air Force has agreed with this possibility in 2007.


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Opinion Articles

How to Cite

The National Defence Strategy and the Brazilian Airspace Control System. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, n. 25, 2024. DOI: 10.22480/rev.unifa.2009.22.841. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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