Brazilian Airspace Power:

deterrence as perception of security, coercion as an efficacious measure to the National Defense


  • Mauro Barbosa Siqueira Centro de Estudos Estratégicos da Universidade da Força Aérea (UNIFA)



National security, National defense, Coercion and deterrence, Airspace power


The aim of this article was to investigate how the Brazilian Airspace Power can matter to the National Defense by the use of military coercion, and the National Security through deterrence. It also refers to the efficacious use of the airspace power as a political and strategic tool. It was done a documental research, which examined the ideas of the American political scientist Robert Pape and the conceptions of John Warden III about the coherence of dissuasion and coercive strategies presented in the current edition of the National Defense Strategy and in the National Defense Policy. It also inferred from the inherent doctrinal-conceptual consequences, which come from this National Strategy, to the Defense Military Doctrine, and in the Aeronautics field, the Air Force Basic Doctrine. The results refer to the implications of the National Defense Strategy for the Brazilian society and for State highlevel strategic planning that enforce Brazil to be ready to defend itself against threatens and attacks. It concludes that the Brazilian Air Force can contribute, through deterring instruments, and by the military coercion as an efficacious way to prevent warfare and the resolution on international political-strategies crisis..


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Brazilian Airspace Power: : deterrence as perception of security, coercion as an efficacious measure to the National Defense. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, n. 25, 2009. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2009.22.836. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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