The Future Great Space Navigations:

: how essential is the space nuclear propulsion


  • Carlos Augusto Teixeira de Moura Força Aérea Brasileira
  • Lamartine Nogueira Frutuoso Guimarães Força Aérea Brasileira



Nuclear propulsion, Nuclear space propulsion, Great space navigations, Space program


Brazil is already a developer and large user of space applications. Like other emerging countries, such as China and India, Brazil cannot give up participation in future explorations of deep space, even knowing the restrictions imposed by central countries on access to sensitive technologies, including nuclear and space. This article advocates the need for Brazil to initiate a line of research in space nuclear propulsion, in order to guarantee the possibility of access to deep space. To this end, arguments are presented to justify embracing this challenge, confronting the motivations and ambitious programs of other emerging powers. The rare window of opportunity that still exists is highlighted, as the international movement to restrict the possession of fissile material, essential for nuclear propulsion, is growing. A governmental planning study is summarized, carried out according to the methodology of the Escola Superior de Guerra, aiming to establish this line of research. The results relating to the exploration of scenarios, the definition of State objectives and the proposition of a strategic conception stand out. It is noteworthy that the proposal takes advantage of an initial infrastructure already existing in the General Aerospace Technology Command (CTA), and that the resources required are significantly modest compared to the immeasurable potential of deep space exploration.


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Review Articles

How to Cite

The Future Great Space Navigations:: : how essential is the space nuclear propulsion. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 20, n. 23, 2008. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2008.20.778. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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