Alignment of the Strategic Program of Space Systems (PESE) with the National Defense Strategy (END)


  • Alessandro Sorgini D’Amato Estado-Maior da Aeronaútica (EMAER) – Brasília/DF – Brasil



Strategic objectives, Spatial systems, Strategic planning, Alignment


This research had as objective analyzing to what extent the Strategic Program of Space Systems (PESE) influences the fulfillment of the strategic objective defined as the priority of aerial surveillance, established for the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) in the National Defense Strategy (END). Due to the characteristics of both documents, the theoretical basis was mainly based on the principles of strategic planning. The Value Focused Thinking (VFT) theory and the techniques of the content analysis provided support for data collection and structuring. Initially, the methodology consisted of a documentary research in order to define the concept of aerial surveillance. Subsequently, a hierarchy of objectives was constructed, composed of the strategic objective of the END and intermediate objectives. The measurement of the contribution of the PESE to the accomplishment of the intermediate objectives was obtained applying the principles of the VFT. Finally, these measures were integrated in order to identify the contribution of the PESE to the strategic objective of the END, resulting in a value index of 0.567. The data were interpreted and analyzed in light of the principles of strategic planning and it was concluded that the main contributions of the PESE are related to the strengthening of the national industry, the monitoring of areas of interest from space and the network operation between the Armed Forces (FA). On the other hand, the PESE contributes little to the issues related to obtaining access to space and the integration of space activities into FAB operations, through the Brazilian Aerospace Defense System (SISDABRA).


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How to Cite

Alignment of the Strategic Program of Space Systems (PESE) with the National Defense Strategy (END). The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 30, n. 2, 2017. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2017.30.484. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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