Humanitarian Logistics

support from Mobile Hospital (HCAMP) to the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti


  • Maurício Cunha Massa de Oliveira Prefeitura de Aeronáutica de Curitiba - PACT


Based on the humanitarian logistics studies of the support to disaster-generated demands, the aim of this article was to analyze in what manner the theory of humanitarian logistics influenced the practices in the humanitarian aid offered by Mobile Hospital (HCAMP), during the natural disaster that took place in Haiti in 2010. Regarding to the methodology, data were collected by consulting bibliographical and documentary references, and by interviewing the military personnel who participated directly in the support provided in Haiti. The collected data were analyzed in light of the theoretical reference proposed by SILVA (2011), based on the immediate response phase, that took place right after the disaster, and under its operational context, that is, of direct logistical support to start the operations of humanitarian aid. As a result, some influence in the practical procedures was observed, related to the integration with the victims and to the internal integration in the moment of chaos, and also a partial influence concerning the integration with the suppliers. The analyzed data led to the conclusion that there is influence on the humanitarian logistics theory in HCAMP practices during the support mission to Haiti.


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How to Cite

Humanitarian Logistics: support from Mobile Hospital (HCAMP) to the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 29, n. 1, p. 115–124, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.