MCAS Tool:

An instrument for measuring the safety climate in the CNS/ATM resources maintenance environment in SISCEAB


  • Fábio Barbosa Laureano Luiz Destacamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo de Fortaleza (DTCEA-FZ) – Fortaleza/CE – Brasil



Maintenance, ATSEP, SISCEAB Technicians, Human Factors


This work is a research communication about human
factors (HF), specifically on workload, related to the Air Traffic Safety Electronic Personnel (ATSEP),
which in Brazil are mostly the technicians of Brazilian Airspace Control System (SISCEAB), responsible for the maintenance of the Communications, Navigation,
Surveillance / Air Traffic Management (CNS / ATM) resources. All user of the Brazilian air transport system, which goes from the passenger to the aircraft commander, passing through the air traffic control agencies, the air navigation and airport infrastructure,
depend on safe, available and reliable CNS/ATM. In this sense, the Maintenance Climate Assessment Survey (MCAS) tool, used in the aerial squadrons of the US naval aviation to measure the maintenance climate, has been adapted to the scenario of SISCEAB technicians, since there are very few studies on Human Factors (HF) related to these professionals, who are directly responsible for the safety, availability and reliability of CNS / ATM resources. This adaptation resulted in an instrument with 14 socio demographic questions, in order to survey the technicians profile, and more 41 on the subjective perception of the maintenance climate. This research communication objective is to present the results of 15 questions, in which 214 participated, from a total of 737 technicians from SISCEAB exposed to the MCAS. This assessment, based on psychometrics, reached Cronbach’s alpha (α) coefficient of 0.814 for items related
to aspects of subjective perception, with an emphasis on issues involving the workload of those professionals and the direct relationship with safety in maintenance.


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How to Cite

MCAS Tool:: An instrument for measuring the safety climate in the CNS/ATM resources maintenance environment in SISCEAB. The Journal of the University of the Air Force , Rio de Janeiro, v. 33, n. 2, 2020. DOI: 10.22480/revunifa.2020.33.260. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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